How to Withdraw Funds from Savings Account (Close the Savings Account)?

To close an active savings account:

1. Go to Services section in app or on Vexel site

2. Click Earn

3. Select the deposit you want to close

4. Click Withdraw button

5. Check the information in pop-up window

6. Click Confirm button

After the withdrawal the savings account will be closed automatically.

Savings account closure conditions

You can close only a savings account with Flex rate. If you have created a savings account with Fix rate, the withdrawal will be done automatically just after the deposit maturity.

Please pay attention

When withdrawing funds from a savings account after the deposit maturity you won’t receive the next interest accrual. The funds are accrued to your account instantly in the currency selected for savings account opening. The funds can be withdrawn from a savings account only in full amount; partial withdrawal of funds from savings account is not possible.